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welcome! 💗 welcome!🌷 welcome! 💜

I am truly excited to see you here. I will explain. I do not recall having a dream to be a Theta Healer. Or any Healing practitioner. I've actually don't recall "having a dream to be" anything. I'm more like the one that has been struggling a lot with "what am I meant to be when I grow up?" "What is my purpose?" What am I really going to be great at and love doing?"

One thing I always knew: I want to be of service to as many as possible. I want to be close to "whatever anyone wants to call" The Creator. I want to bring the voice of the godly feature in this universe don to earth in any way I would have the merit to. "God, how can I be of service?" God, what are the gifts you've been giving me that can help me serve your humans and all creatures?

Not sure I am so proud to say but my teen years were like: "what is a cause worth dying for...?" :( You bet it took some Theta Healing from my Theta class colleagues to undo that one... No. God or whichever way you want to call the all loving, sharing, caring, empowering force of our inivese, did not create us so we dye for "him/It/that force".

I didn't even know I knew stuff

True. I've lived my life getting upset with people cause: how come they don't know.... I had no clue that not everything I know is an open book to the rest of most people around me the way it is to me. I started noticing at some point that I was getting messages about things I may need when leaving the house, that made no sense to me, so I argued and dismissed them... to find out that thing that made no sense at all was exactly what I needed while doing that errand - but I was too smart. I argued. The more I argued the less massages I would get. So I learned to argue a little less... and do it anyway...

And then the messages became louder

Fast forward years of awakenings... I am still really really, really looking to find this one thing to focus on and succeed in and through which I can serve humanity. I call my amazing friend Rachel Schwartz of It's December 2020. It's the most media covered cosmic conjunction that affects the world once every 800 years or so and I need to know; What is coming up for me and..... yes... please... Rachel... what are the stars and the skies telling me I can choose to be my path? Well... you see... with Mars in Cancer... I can't tell you that you have one really strong desire... on the other hand... and she goes into... Theta Healing meditation... asking the Creator for a direction... and tells me: "hahahahahaha The Creator was laughing at me: What do you mean she doesn't have a big desire? She "ONLY" wants to change the world!!!"

Check-Mate. OK.. and... what way, my dear friend... do I go..? The Light-bulb finally turned on and Rachel said; Listen, you bring soooooo much knowledge of healing from quiet a few lifetimes.... If I were you, I would take a healing course. I would get certified, and have a venue through which you can bring al that you already know - to people. WHy don't you take Theta Healing course and start from there? As they all say - the rest is History. From the first evening in (Zoom) class I felt .. exalted.Not just at home but many many times higher than that. (Well, it is easy for me to feel at many places better than my home of birth, which is a beautifully loving home but... not the love I am seeking... in other words.. not a great capacity for positive emotions... Maybe that's for another blog).

And here is how happy i am that you are here

What's left to say? If I feel that I found my purpose... or call it my way to serve you - humanity... then I need you to help me do that... come get healed. :) How simple is that? I won't add much to this write-up but I will only say: I have finished the courses, got certified. started practicing with friends.. but ... forgot to push it to be m dedicated focused "career". You know how it is... Let's make the final push - a topic for the next blog:

What was that final push to get me off the fence to be here for you?

I get that this may need its separate blog post. It's such a fun story so join me further right here:


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